Denver Bear Gay Bar Found Guilty Of Not Allowing Entry To Drag Queens


Another bear bar like the Laird who seems to think their brand of homophobia is a-ok. The irony of course is that these “hypermasculine” gay men, or “real men” as The Laird likes to call them on its website, are camper than a row of tents. They can howl and scream as much as they like, but the exclusionary policies of shit-holes like this are just another chorus of the “We’re gay, but not one of THOSE gays” anthem. Just remember too, when the shit hit the fan and the gay liberation ball started bouncing, it was drag queens NOT bears who stood in the front lines, and that’s some currency that you can take to the motherfuckin’ bank, Bearbie Dolls.

Denver Bear Gay Bar Found Guilty Of Not Allowing Entry To Drag Queens

Nobody Likes A Gay Guy, Especially Other Gay Guys (On “Straight Acting”)



If growing up as a gay kid in rural America wasn’t difficult enough, puberty brought a new, intimidating wave of issues, like the strange feelings about my male classmates, both in my head and “down there.” But, as all gay teenagers will come to know, difficult situations are learning experiences from which we can grow. My childhood, it seems, was a grand lesson in shame. 

A shame that was, at the time, inexpressible. A shame that comes with feeling unsafe in your own skin, school, and home. A shame that comes with knowing everything about your formative years will be atypical from what is presented to you by your peers, mass media, and your culture. A shame that comes with being different. 

I left high school with absolute certainty my horizons held something special and inviting, that when I reached college I would be immersed into some sort of expansive homosexual society that seemingly only thrived in urban environments. I felt I had been deprived of something. I felt I was incomplete. 

I was almost done with my first semester when I was fully exposed to the world of Grindr, an environment I instantly detested. Suddenly, the shame I had felt in high school was manifest, and I could put all of those inky feelings into words. Plastered upon most every profile were the campaign slogans of Denver gays: “straight acting, u be 2,” “looking for gym buddy, no fems,” “if ur a faggot it won’t work,” or my personal favorite, “be a man, i’m not looking for a bitch.” 

I finally understood that my shame had been birthed from the unconscious knowledge that who I was just wasn’t good enough. 

I couldn’t date a straight guy, and I couldn’t pass for one; it seemed that even gay guys didn’t want to date gay guys. I had never felt more disappointed.

There have been countless voices saying similar things about the horribly discriminatory ways that gay men have been known to treat each other. There is a vicious, prejudiced cycle that traps many gay men and governs the ways in which we see each other as friends or partners, both in person and online. Many writers have already done great work by pointing out how these words can be indicative of internalized misogyny or latent racism. But this message is not for these authors. It is for the gay men behind these words.

I get it. Marking yourself as someone who is “straight-acting” and only seeking the same may seem like the perfect way to make yourself sound more appealing. Most of the crushes we develop, especially those during our formative years of childhood, are on straight boys who make it obnoxiously and abundantly clear that we can never have them. Like me, however, many gay men are not attracted to someone who firstly – and often only – identifies himself and his ideal partner as something intrinsically opposite to who they are. 

Together, two people in a romantic relationship could potentially help each other overcome their insecurities. 

A boy could probably free me of my insecurities rooted in my dynamic, bird-like, sing-song voice. Maybe one man could teach another that heterosexuality does not conjure masculinity, or vice-versa, and that he is probably more attracted to the masculinity straight men often exude and not their straight-ness itself. But if two “straight-acting” men determine one another to be their only suitable partners, the fears and insecurities surrounding and penetrating the very essence of their relationship can never be eradicated, for they are founded on a lack of acceptance of their own personal identities. 

My message for these boys, and these men, the “straight-acting seeking straight-acting,” is one of condolence. I am sorry. I am sorry you feel different. We live in a world that makes it very difficult to feel different and happy at the same time. I am sorry, and I don’t blame you for wanting to change, for wanting to surround yourself with what feels most normal and heterosexual.

But I cannot forgive you, either. I cannot forgive you for dismissing an exceedingly large portion of your own minority group for exhibiting traits that you deem “too gay.” This is ridiculous and unfair. Watch your step, for the slope is quite slippery. If we, as gay men, tolerate these harsh, prejudiced words you have written on your Grindr banner, we are, by extension, excusing the stereotypically racist and misogynistic methods through which gay men interact as well. Our culture has standards of gender and self-expression that are typically unnecessary, obnoxiously limiting, and wildly oppressive. Do not be one of the hands that attempts to smother individuality, amongst gays or otherwise. Be the hand that fans the flames of personality and eccentricity. Be the hand that extends to the uncertain, the oppressed, the hand that says, “it’s okay.” 

And it is. It is okay. Be who you are, and be proud of who you are.

I invite you to reflect on the levels on which you currently accept yourself. I struggle with my voice, with my skin, with my thin legs, with my stifling fear of strangers. But I do not struggle with my homosexuality. I think it is okay to be a man who likes men. I like being gay, and I want to be with a man who likes being gay. And regardless of how we act, the most important thing is that we will work together to make each other feel loved and supported in a world that still works very actively to make people like us – and people like you – feel different, false, and abnormal. 

Remember, the next time you indicate you are “straight-acting” and only looking for the same, contemplate the message you are sending. You are telling boys everywhere, boys like you, and boys like me, that you consider a very large facet of their identity – and your identity – to be unacceptable. You are telling boys who have grown out of their shame that you are still living in yours.

Nobody Likes A Gay Guy, Especially Other Gay Guys (On “Straight Acting”)

Here’s a blog you can add to your “ignore” list:


Unfortunately this is yet another gay homophobe who is so incredibly triggered by critiques of masc4masc homophobia that he has created a vile blog. His basic tenets are: what we are attracted to is biological, and people who disagree with him are just “social justice warriors”. His blog is a pustule of internalised homophobia, and he is intensely ignorant (in the literal sense: he isn’t interested in educating himself, he’s only interested in pursuing his point of view without backing it up with research. In other words, he knows everything and hasn’t needed a single day in school to get to that point).

This gay homophobe has created this blog to specifically troll and derail people who give a damn about improving the queer male community and the way it interacts with itself and others.

Blocked because of the pointlessness of arguing with ignorant stupidity.

Rise of the A-gay???? Ugh.


I just finished reading this appalling rubbish from “”. After running to the toilet, vomiting and trying not to shit my pants in disgust at what I just read, I have now regained control over my bodily functions enough to report on what made it react so violently.

This is a piece that’s meant to describe some new breed of “A-gay”, happy gay millionaires who are so comfortable in their skin as gay men that they have no need to mention they are gay, no need to continue a citation of gay stereotypes that they’ve grown beyond. They are, in effect, post-gay. And they’re better than all of us put together.

I’ve heard the term post-gay a few times this year, and on each occasion it was uttered by a right-wing, self-interested, internalised homophobe. See, “post-gay” sounds really cool, and it’s a way for people to create distance from themselves and their homosexuality. It’s that tired old mantra of internalised homophobia in a shiny new cool-sounding phrase: I’m homosexual, but not one of THOSE homosexuals.”

On top of this, how revolting that the author splits our vibrant and diverse community into castes. A, B, and C gays have all been mentioned in this article. Apparently the A gays wouldn’t be caught dead doing something as pedestrian as going to a gay bar, or having some AIDS-related artwork on their walls (artwork? Seriously? As though that’s something we all have, what with the majority of queers earning minimum wages).

What this article, of course of course, missed out on completely was what this new A-grade demographic looks like. Well, I don’t need to be there and inspect this new vile scene myself to know what it looks like: affluent and white, with a few small brush strokes of colour to divert attention and criticism from its WASPish core.

And let’s talk for a second about this supposed “new” post-gay culture. It’s not new at all. Sure, maybe their sexuality is considered funky and cool these days, less distasteful than it was in the 70’s, but this group of wealthy white queers has been around for decades. The only difference is that they are buying into the modern gay culture of homophobia. The homosexualisation of homophobia HAS NOT passed them by, just like it hasn’t passed any of us by. This is masc4masc, straight acting at its finest, with the finest china and the finest holidays money can buy. And despite the desire for the A-gays to set themselves apart from the rest of us faggots, buying into modern gay self-hate situates them in the same place as every other gay homophobe in the world: right at the bottom of the barrel.

Rise of the A-gay???? Ugh.

Homophobic politician: not someone we should be imitating, even though many of us do


Just take a moment to reflect on the statements made by this homophobe (someone selected to run for the liberal party on Victoria’s forthcoming election). He has an issue with faggots like me who “make everything to be about our sexuality”.

Now, think about how often you hear other queer males, or even how often you yourself say EXACTLY the same thing as this homophobic hetero. Think about it, and maybe you’ll get a glimpse of the internalised homophobia at work when queer people mimic the language of their oppressors.

Non-heterosexuals who complain about faggots like me making a big deal about sexuality and gender need to STFU because they are just cluelessly hopping into the homophobic boat, and selling us proud queers up the proverbial river.

I wear my faggotry proudly on my sleeve in protest against homophobic filth like Aaron Lane and the homophobic gays who take leaves out of his book.

Homophobic politician: not someone we should be imitating, even though many of us do


This is a screen shot from the “Gay News Network” in Australia. None of the gay news was from Australia though! A few things stand out to me:

1. Gay marriage / Equality politics as usual is being rammed down people’s throats as “the” issue we all are supposed to care about, with two of the stories specifically relating to this white gay middle class agenda.

2. Ellen shits all over Lady Gaga, as well she should.

3. Internalised homophobia is literally death for our community, as I suspect the murderer from Seattle was battling his sexuality demons when he killed two gay men. Self-hate in our communities really should take the place as the number one issue we read about and discuss instead of whether two dudes with property can get dressed up and exchange gold rings.

4. The best news is seeing a game that younger queers might play encouraging sexuality and gender diversity. THIS is precisely the type of thing that will help to overcome the violence of heteronormativity NOT changing laws that affect a tiny number of us.



So this happened to me on grindr today. On my profile I state that I’m trans and proudly fem, and this guy starts messaging me this shit. I was tempted to pretend it ended with that last message but there was one more short exchange after it which I thought was worth keeping: 

1. This is literally the most disgusting example of internalised homophobic / femmephobic nastiness I’ve ever seen. “Masc” identifying gay men are nothing if they aren’t fucking homophobes. And of course he doesn’t show his face: these “real men” rarely have the guts to do so.

2. The OP deserves a medal for keeping so cool under this kind of horrible abuse.

3. This sort of lateral anti-queer verbal violence is why our communities need to focus on the demons within more than on the demons without.

4. The OP deserves a medal for keeping so cool under this kind of horrible abuse.


5. The OP deserves a medal for keeping so cool under this kind of horrible abuse.



Writing in your Grindr bio that you want “masc” or “straight-acting” men is not homophobic or hateful. It is nothing more than a description of the type of man you are attracted to. Do not let ridiculous & whiny Tumblr “social justice warriors” convince you you have internalized homophobia or any other absurd issue.

Hello there! You came for me in my inbox, and now you are “dictating from on high” about a subject you have seriously not spent more than a millisecond considering or researching. You need to educate yourself on these things before you start telling the world what is and isn’t a fact. You should also take notice of how little support your claims are receiving in this forum: people are instantly rejecting what you have to say because they know better. But everyone has to start somewhere, right? You are only 18 years old. What you have going for you is you’re an atheist. I like that. But this one-dimensional approach to terms that are heavily coded in homophobia is basic and needs fixing.

The terms you are claiming to be innocent descriptors of sexual attraction are inherently homophobic, and you really do need to take some time to educate yourself on why this is the case before you continue to talk shit about what you don’t understand.

This is the page I’ve created to help people like yourself get your facts straight. You can either read it and all the links provided, or you can continue to peddle your ridiculous inaccuracies. Your choice. You’re entitled to your opinions, even if those opinions are based on nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to concepts that trigger you. But surely it would be better for you and everyone else if your opinions were based on more than this?

Author Of Excellent ‘Stop Being Gay’ Book Arrested For Molesting Teen Boy, Allegedly, Again


A Pittsburgh pastor who wrote a not-quite-bestselling book about his successful struggle to become a former gay has been arrested for sexually assaulting a teenaged boy. On the one hand, it looks like pretty strong evidence that attempts to pray away the gay just don’t take, but we’d also like to point out that, comes right down to it, the gay is a far less problematic issue here than the teenager-raping. Dare we even suggest that if Bishop Duane Youngblood of the “Higher Call World Outreach Church” had just settled down to being a happily gay man instead of trying to force himself to be straight, it’s entirely possible he wouldn’t have done nonconsensual sex to a teen who came to him for counseling? We don’t claim to be experts on this stuff.

The boy, who is now 21, says that Youngblood molested him from 2009 through 2011, and that it only ended when he went to college and “told Youngblood he didn’t want to be counseled by him anymore.” Which is not to say that he doesn’t now need tons of counseling; this time we’d suggest a more reputable therapist. Youngblood reportedly told the boy not to tell his mother about the “counseling,” of course, because “he didn’t want to get into trouble.”

The Amazon description of Youngblood’s inspirational book, Freedom From Homosexuality: No Longer Living The Lie says that Youngblood

shares insights and truth to help anyone struggling with perversions find a place of forgiveness and deliverance in God. Through his honesty about his own life and the enemy’s plan against him, many have already been delivered from perverse sins.

We’re betting that Youngblood is probably coping with his arrest by feeling really bad about how “the enemy” made him rape a kid.

Oh, also, it’s probably worth mentioning that in 2006 Youngblood was accused of molesting a 15-year-old boy he was “counseling.” He was “sentenced to one year of intermediate punishment and seven years’ probation,” but somehow managed to continue running a church with an outreach ministry to youth, because… you know, First Amendment be damned, how for godssakes is that even legal?

Finally, just because you may not have had occasion to bury your face in your hands yet today, here are the final two tweets in Pastor Youngblood’s twitter stream:

Who knows, maybe after his next bout with the justice system, he’ll overcome the influence of The Enemy and start a new church. He’s sure to have plenty of material for a new book.

Also, just for the sake of mentioning it, we should probably remind readers to keep the rules in mind — we don’t wish prison rape (or any other kind) on anyone, not even complete scumbags. That done, let’s poison this perfectly lovely Rickie Lee Jones song for you forever.

Love will wash it clean. Except for your brain, and this song, which is now dead to us, forever. 

Author Of Excellent ‘Stop Being Gay’ Book Arrested For Molesting Teen Boy, Allegedly, Again